Our sustainable approach
Ever wonder about the waste our period products leave behind? Between the wrappers, applicators, tampons, pads, and panty liners, it starts to stack up.
Think Period. Think Plastic.
Tampons come wrapped in plastic, often with a plastic applicator. 90% of a pad is plastic. On average a typical tampon user will use 11,000 tampons in their lifetime. And all that waste goes directly into a landfill… using nixit will reduce your waste by 93%.
Protect the places you love.
Tampons are flushed down the toilet and can end up in the ocean when sewer systems fail. Tampon applicators are the 5th most common source of waste on beaches. Yikes.
Sustainably Made
Ignorance is not bliss. We empower those who bleed to become more educated and informed about their periods, and their cycle’s impact on the environment.
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