The Monthly - Alicia Mccarvell

The Monthly - Alicia Mccarvell

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Alicia Mccarvell

Finally, a candid conversation about periods. We get it. Periods are personal. Choosing empowerment over embarrassment, we’re here to give a real-life lesson on menstrual cycles and our bodies. And what better way to do that than from hearing stories about periods from our colleagues, friends and people we have met on this incredible journey. This is Alicia Mccarvell's story! So join us as we talk about- yep, you guessed it - periods. #leaveyourstain

Who are you (we’d love to get to know you!) and what are your pronouns?

My name is Alicia Mccarvell ( @aliciamccarvell ) - my pronouns are her/she. I am an east coaster with a big heart who is passionate about self-love. I believe life is best spent laughing with the people you love most, doing the things that make your heart full.

How did you first learn about periods?

I vividly remember learning about periods in school - but mostly I remember my friends getting their periods first and them telling me about it. I honestly think I learned more from those conversations than I did from my actual educational conversations.

Do you remember your first period conversation? Who was it with and what was that like?

I remember my first conversation being with a friend who had recently gotten hers. I feel like when we were kids "hey, did you get your period yet?" was a question you asked. I remember telling her no, and her telling me how lucky I was. The first conversation was terrifying, mainly because of all the misinformation.

When did you get your first period?

I believe I was in junior high, grade 8 maybe? I was later than all my friends.

How was it? What happened?

My mom has always been very open and honest about her body. Any questions I had were always answered - and by this time everyone I knew had had their period so, I was comfortable. I remember telling my mom, and her sending me to her bathroom cabinet where there were pads and tampons. She suggested I read the boxes first and decide which I wanted to use. I used pads for the first day and hated them, then quickly switched to tampons. I wasted about 12 before I actually got one in correctly.

Do you try to take extra care of yourself while on your period? If so, how?

To be honest, I struggle the most leading up to my period, not while I'm on it. Baths the week before, some extra walks in the evening because I typically feel anxious that week.

What are your favourite period products?

- My nixit has changed my life. It will forever be #1 on my list of period products.

- My heating pad - I get cramps and a sore lower back during my period. Heat helps!

- My Cuddly Biird Vibrator - my libido is highest during the week of my period so masturbation actually helps with that and my pain from my cramps.

Is there anything else about your period experiences you want to share?

That nixit has changed my life, and I cry every period because I am so grateful.

Have the last challenging months affected your period and if so, how did you best navigate?

My vaccination changed my period - currently spotting now for over a week and a half. Luckily my nixit is safe to leave in for the 12 hours even on light days. I'll be interested to see how my next cycle looks!

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